Wednesday, May 13, 2015



To come up with an idea for my product I just started to think about things that I wished were real. I then came up with the idea to have a supplement to change your eye color.

Things Learned:

This assignment was to create a product and design a carton layout along with all the graphics to go on the carton. In addition I learned much about color chips and global colors. To extend our knowledge on this we also created a 3D view of the box and a bottle.

Favorite Part: 

To me, the best part of this project was creating the graphics and the product. I have learned a lot of new skills in Illustrator and I know how to create a layout for a carton.


Since this was my first time creating a carton I had trouble creating a die line and a bleed. Another problem was creating each panel. I had many ideas, but there was only a small about space to work with. The last major complication was creating a 3D revolve. 

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